Upcoming Elections

Upcoming Election

2024 Elections

June 11, 2024:
Town Meeting Candidate and Budget Referendum Election, RSU #16 Budget Validation Referendum and State Primary Election

November 5, 2024: General Election (Presidential)

Absentee Ballot Information

Absentee Ballots are always available 30 days before an election.  There are multiple ways to request an absentee ballot.

1)  Call the Town Office at 998-4601 and speak with one of the clerks and request that a ballot be mailed to you (we have to speak to each person individually).

2) Come into the office in person and pick up a ballot.

3) Go online to https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/voter-info/absent.html and request it electronically.  We will get the request and mail you the ballot.