cack taxes

We have 152 accounts who have yet to pay their Tax Year 23 (TY23) bill.  TY 23 has gone to lien at this time, reminders were sent out but we received a great deal of them back as undeliverable because they are certified mailings and needed to be signed for.  The Town receiving the mailing back does not mean the lien process can not continue because we only have to show proof that we mailed them to the address on file.  If you move but still own property in Poland please be sure to make sure we have your updated address so you can receive mailings.  By mandated state law unpaid taxes for TY23 have gone to lien and will now affect the credit of those whose name is on the bill, remember if you owned the property prior to April 1st, 2022 and sold it after April 1st you are still the responsible party for paying the tax bill and it will be liened in your name until taxes are paid.

Please contact us if you feel you may owe back taxes or want to just double check an account.  The next step, by state law, is that unpaid accounts become tax acquired.  At the time of tax acquirement the Town then has the legal right to sell the property and evict any persons living on the property.  Poland does not want to be in the landlord or real estate business and will gladly work with you on overdue taxes, where the property has become tax acquired, if you call and make an appointment to see the Deputy Tax Collector Nikki Pratt.  There is no way to stall the tax acquired process as it is date driven by state law but we can make payment arrangements if we feel it is in the best interest of the owner and Town.

TY 24 bills will go out in September with the first half of taxes being due on October 1, 2023, with interest beginning to accrue on November 1, 2023.  Those who submitted an application for the Tax Stabilization program will have the same amount due as TY 23 taxes.  The State did away with the Tax Stabilization program recently so stabilized taxes will only be for TY 24 and then go back to the normal tax rate assessed for following years.