Trail Committee Bylaws

Our charge is to maintain and create trail systems for recreation (hiking, skiing, biking, snowmobiling, hunting, ATV [where appropriate]) in conjunction with The Poland Conservation Commission’s Open Space Plan  December, 2009.

What if we were able to create a large scale map of all of the existing trails in Poland; that include a variety of recreation (walking, jogging, mountain biking, horseback riding, hiking, commuter, parks, access to campgrounds, ponds, lakes, historic sites, etc…) What if we then made small working maps for residents and visitors?  

Developing and maintaining a trail system takes a great deal of effort.  With most land being privately owned and people wanting to protect their land we need to strive for the following:

  • Be outstanding stewards of the land.  
  • Do our best to keep the trails clean!
  • Only use trails that we have written permission to use!
  • Develop a positive working relationship with other organizations that utilize the same land and trails.
  • Educate the public on local trails and their intended uses! 


The name of the organization shall be Poland Trail Committee. It is an organization~formed and  operated under the jurisdiction of the Poland Recreation~Department.

The purpose of our club:  

  • Maintain existing trails.
  • Build new trails in a manner that fully respects the land, landowner, natural Inhabitants, natural flora fauna and long term consideration.
  • Improve or create proper signage for trails.
  • Provide trail resources for residents and visitors to enjoy our trails.
  • Educate residents and visitors of best practices in utilizing our trails.
  • Collaborate with other groups to better maintain our trails.
  • Work cooperatively with neighboring towns, land trusts, and other organizations in order to leverage funding opportunities and partnership for connecting trail systems.
  • Consider Open Space Plan Goals from Conservation Commission…

Open Space Plan Goals:

  • Develop Open Space Plan that engages the community
  • Inventory and identify our most valuable Natural Resources
  • Support and promote working forests and agriculture
  • Link open spaces
  • Maintain and create trail systems for recreation (hiking, skiing, biking, snowmobiling, hunting, ATV [where appropriate])
  • Preserve our community character - one of exceptional land and water quality, recreational opportunity and natural resources that are vital to the local economy


Eligibility for membership is open to all Poland residents and guests.


Regular meetings shall be held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm.  Meetings will be held at The Town Hall or designated space.  

  • Notice of meetings - printed or e-mail notices of each meeting will be sent out to members two weeks prior to meeting.  
  • Quorum – any number of members at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.
  • Voting - all issues will be decided by a simple majority of members present. In case of a tie, the vote of the President or highest officer present shall be the deciding vote and accepted as final.


President - shall preside at committee meetings and act as spokesperson for the committee. The~President is also charged with the execution of the committee’s by laws and actions.

Trail Coordinator - shall act for the President when the President is unavailable. 

Secretary - shall keep minutes of meetings and attendance rolls of meetings. The secretary shall be responsible for all committee correspondence as directed by the President.

Treasurer - shall collect, distribute, and record monies for the committee.

Records will be available to any member or Town BOS and/or Town Administration upon request.  Funds are managed thru the Poland Recreation Department account- Minor Services # 50-500-1-5310.


  • Officers shall serve one year from July 1 to June 30.
  • Officers shall be elected at the February meeting by a simple majority of  members present at the meeting. 
  • An officer may be removed by a majority vote of members.


Any expenditure amounts over $50.00 must be approved by the Director of the Parks & Recreation Department and president of the trail committee.


Amendments can be suggested by any member. A majority vote of all members will be required to amend the bylaws.

Adopted 03/28/2012